Wednesday, 4 January 2012

La Chambre

My wardrobe is a huge source of happiness for me, I could not find an actual wardrobe that would fit both in my room, nor fit all my purchases in it. Therefore I came up with the concept of fixing a curtain rail to one of my walls. Ever since, I lie in bed in the morning, staring up at my rather special collection of memories and decide what I will wear. 
Christmas is a good idea to add to my collection. Also with my birthday being in february, i usually stock up on winter treats through january. These are a few of my treasured possessions i have obtained over the last few weeks.

 The above is my brand spanking new twenty8twelve dress, i think i actually fell in love with it back last year in summer. when i found it on the outnet (net-a-porter sister website) i just had to have it. *add to bag* then *proceed to checkout* and WAM BAM THANK YOU MAM' into the closet it goes. 
 I met this dress way back in november, i was in westfield (white city, not the rip off version, sorry stratford) then whilst killing time before i started work i saw it in my local monsoon, the last one left, in my size! The colour is spot on for this season, it goes with basically everything, for every occasion. and has the cutest collar, with a ribbon to tie into a bow. such a sweetie. 
Every year at christmas i get a nice perfume, last year it was Coco Mademoiselle this year i got another Miss Doir Cherie. I love collecting the empty bottles as i think they give a sense of vintage fashion. my current total stands at 4 empty bottles. i want more. 
Finally, make up, fair enough it doesn't fit on the rail in any way shape or form. but its another purchase i do twice a year. i swear by clinique for skin care, i've lost count of how much stuff i have from there. all my brushes are from the body shop, as they do not test on animals and i think people in the fashion and beauty industry should be more aware of this, and support it like DD's. i'm not a huge fan of Mac makeup, for some reason it doesn't agree with my skin, but their lipstick colours are out of this world, and worth a look at. YSL concealer, for the past year i have been stealing this off my mum, so she took it upon herself to buy me my own, and for that i am hugely grateful (so are the dark circles under my eyes) Touche eclat is bloody hard to say, but worth those few moments of utter embarrassment as you try to ask the sales assistant for it at the counter. 

1 comment:

  1. so jealous of your dresses, they're so nice!
